NVN PoliciesCommunicationsSharing Information • NVN provides information to its members and interested supporters primarily through e-mail and the NVN website. However, if a household does not have access to e-mail or the Internet, we will send information by mail. Use of Mailing and E-mail Lists • Contact information, including e-mail addresses, is considered personal and private, for the sole use of NVN. Only staff members and designated officers of the Board are authorized to utilize the general NVN mail and e-mail lists; therefore, anyone wishing to distribute information to the general list must contact the President or Vice-President. Interest group coordinators may maintain separate lists and distribute information to their particular group. Public Statements • NVN’s President is the official spokesperson for the organization. Any member, volunteer, or NVN participant must have the prior approval of the NVN Board in order to represent the organization to the public or to other organizations in a formal way, particularly to the media. All written communications related to NVN are subject to approval of the President or Board before being released. Routine requests for information concerning NVN can be handled through Board-approved informational brochures and fliers prepared for that purpose. Conflict of InterestAccording to the Bylaws, Section 6.012 “Whenever a member of the Board of Governors or officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the Board of Governors, the affected person shall (a) fully disclose the nature of the interest and (b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying, and voting on the matter. Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested directors determine that it is in the best interest of the corporation to do so.” These same restrictions apply to interest group coordinators. |
Our ValuesTo treat each other with respect To share responsibility for making our network welcoming and caring To encourage diversity in all aspects of our organization To raise concerns in a positive way without blame or criticism To support each other in meeting the challenges and joys of aging To seek to be helpful to others throughout NW Philadelphia
"I kept on asking myself: How can I give back?" |